Thursday, October 30, 2008

McCain is a Rat and Obama is an Ox -- Whose feng shui is better for America?

John McCain and Barack Obama glittering comment from

Recently, I have been asked about my feng shui pick for president. Emails have come in asking some simple questions about the candidates and I couldn't resist answering some of those questions here on this blog.

1. Using feng shui as a predictor, does McCain or Obama have the better chance of winning the election?

Please note: My answers are based purely on the principles of feng shui and should not be taken as my personal opinion.

In feng shui, there are six types of chi (qi) beginning with ripening chi followed by growing chi, improving, declining, dead, and killing chi. Each has its own energy. John McCain is a rat in the Chinese zodiac and 2008 is a rat year. McCain’s energy surged in January of this year as the Year of the Rat started but is declining as the Year of the Rat closes.

Obama was behind Hillary Clinton at first but quickly began catching up to her as the year progressed and as her personal chi began slowing. Last year was the Year of the Boar and Hillary is a boar in the Chinese zodiac. Therefore, it made sense that she was the forerunner in 2007 but as her chi declined, Obama's was ripening.

Obama is an Ox in the Chinese zodiac and as the Year of the Ox approaches, this is making his energy ripen. Ripening and growing chi is the best chi and declining or dead chi is the worst. Furthermore, each candidate is an example of their respective annual chi. For instance, Obama is a younger man and personally has growing chi. McCain is an older man and has declining energy. When these feng shui factors are put together, Obama seems the clear winner and the polls seem to indicate this as well.

2. Would the world and the United States benefit more from a Obama or a McCain presidency?

Looking again at the type of energy that each man possesses, we are more likely to see a more positive outcome in America and the world if Obama is elected as his energy is new and fresh. Obama’s zodiac sign is also a plus. As an ox, Obama will be able to push through the current economic problems and get them resolved and behind us. This is part of the benefits of being an ox, and Obama has shown his ox tendencies throughout his life and career, to be able to push past criticism and get down to creating real accomplishment in his life.

Because he is an ox, the sign that follows the rat, we would be moving forward as a country and in the world. Obama has said that he will create a dialog with nations that America has had chilly relations with and creating a warmer reception in the world is important for America. McCain, as a rat who is ruled by water, is more fluid in his responses and more reactive.

McCain has many fine and wonderful qualities and has been an outstanding Senator and American hero, yet his energy does not support creating change for America the way that Obama’s does, or for stabilizing our country, which helps the whole world. With McCain we would more likely see more of the same kind of administration and adherence to the past ways of doing things in keeping with his declining chi.

Part of the problem we have had in our economy was because of the negative tendencies of greed. These are also some of the negative qualities of a rat, which McCain is. I don’t know that his presidency would tend to stabilize the economic problems in our country or the world because he’s more likely to be materialistic as a rat and would be more inclined to avoid regulating industry, such as the investment and banking industries.

Based solely on feng shui, Obama’s ox qualities are a better choice to get us out of the economic mess that we are in and shore up our standing in the world. Obama has already stated his interest in putting more into America's infrastructure, which is a very ox-like quality.

Like the WPA of the Great Depression, FDR lifted America by reinvesting into our infrastructure, and many of the improvements made by the WPA stand today. This will put the emphasis back on America versus spreading ourselves too thin and weaking the energy of America as we have in the past administration.

Feng shui relies on the concentration of energy and by compounding energy into our nation, we will help to lift ourselves and the world. Of the two, Obama has improving chi -- that matches with his desire to improve America -- which leads me to feel more confident in Obama’s presidency than McCain’s with his declining chi.

3. What does feng shui say about the vice presidential picks Joe Biden and Sara Palin?

According to feng shui, McCain and his vice presidential running mate, Sara Palin, are at odds energetically. Palin is a rabbit and has wood energy. This drains McCain because her wood energy exhausts McCain’s water energy -- think of how a plant drinks water. If McCain were wood and Palin were water, then the partnership would be better and more supportive for McCain, which is the optimum arrangement.

Obama and Biden are a harmonious pairing. Joe Biden, is a horse in the Chinese zodiac and has fire energy. His energy is productive for Obama’s earth energy because fire creates earth; think of a volcano (fire) spewing out lava (new earth). They make a better pair than McCain and Palin and, thus, their energy would be better-suited for the presidency. Of the two candidates for president, Obama has better chi, which leads me to feel more confident in Obama’s presidency than McCain’s.

4. What should Americans know about this current election?

That it's good feng shui to vote -- regardless of the candidate you choose. The mere act of voting and putting energy forth into our country will invigorate it no matter which candidate is elected. We have a precious right and all Americans should exercise it so that their will is known and so that America's energy is reinvigorated. Personally, I am having an election party at my house to celebrate our collective American voting effort!

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