Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Las Vegas Workshop Scouting Trip

If you're a reader of my online newsletter, the Red Lotus Letter, you'll know that I have an incredible two day feng shui workshop that will help you use feng shui more effectively. I'll be teaching participants everything they need to know about the Year of the Ox and how to make this year an incredible success.

I have an admission: my husband and I have traveled all over the world together, but this was our very first trip to Las Vegas together. We thought we'd spoil ourselves a little, so Tim and I stayed at the beautiful Four Seasons hotel that sits on top of the Mandalay Bay hotel and casino. It's a quiet oasis of comfort and plush, refined beauty. One of the things we noticed prominently at the Four Seasons and at many of the upscale hotels around Las Vegas were the beautiful flowers.

Feng shui and flowers

Flowers are wonderful representations of wealth -- and of romance -- perfect for "sin city" where the vibe is definitely sensual! The flowers created an air of beauty and loveliness in all the hotels. By far, though, the Bellagio has the most magnificent flowers and greenery displays.

This is me next to an arrangement of flowers in the Four Seasons Hotel. The purple orchids were the most vivid shade of purple. All those pinks, lavenders and purples matched the dress I was wearing, too! It was so nice of the Four Seasons to coordinate their flowers to my attire!

Greenery creates growth and beneficial yang energy

The Bellagio has an amazing conservatory with stunning floral displays. What I am very excited about is when we go on a walking tour of Las Vegas as part of the Year of the Ox worshop.

Don't forget: I'm taking everyone who registers for the Year of the Ox Workshop out for a great meal in a wonderful restaurant with fabulous atmosphere and then we're going on a feng shui walking tour afterwards!

The Bellagio Conservatory will definitely be on the agenda because every year they do a tremendous job of preparing for Chinese New Year. For our visit in October, they had a beautiful and imaginative Fall Floral display that was magnificent. Notice the tree at right has a face. The face moved and looked alive.

There is also a walk-through arbor whose displays change with the seasons and holidays.

As you can see, Las Vegas has plenty of natural beauty.

This -- and the amount of feng shui that I see when I'm there -- is always a surprise to me. Many people might just see the casinos, gambling, shows and emphasis on the seedier parts of Las Vegas, but there is much more to it than just the "usual" tourist traps.

Lots of feng shui

There is a strong emphasis on feng shui in Las Vegas that tells me they're are really paying attention to how the environment plays a role in how patrons feel -- and spend. There is one hotel that is extremely negative, and judging by the low number of customers, everyone else can feel it, too. The shape of this particular hotel is very negative. Unfortunately, the energy emanating from this hotel affects the hotels around it.

If you sign up for the workshop, you can bet I'll give you a full "feng shui tour" of the Las Vegas strip. That's because when you see the examples of feng shui in such a large way, you understand the principles much better. I can't wait to talk about each of the hotels and why some are doing great -- and others are barely hanging on.

Here's an example of a hotel that understands feng shui -- and puts it to work!

Notice how the doors are revolving. There are three of them (the number of growth) and their spinning creates activity at the front of the hotel -- and notice the ring in the center on the ground. Again, this invokes the energy of a circle, which is moving and yang and resembles the round shape of coins (and casino chips!).

We'll talk about all this and much, much more in January. I can't wait to share all the secrets with you when we have TWO FULL days to really talk about feng shui in ways you had not known before. But most importantly, we'll talk about how to apply all this to your life to make YOU more successful and more prosperous.

Great Food and Lots of Culture, Too

Many visitors never venture off the Strip. While we were in town, we wanted to visit Las Vegas's bustling Asian District off of Spring Mountain Road.

We decided to forgo breakfast in favor of some wonderful Dim Sum, which is comprised of a wonderful variety of Chinese dumplings. This is a favorite brunch type food that many Chinese eat in mid-morning. Small carts of steaming dumplings -- in every imagineable combination are wheeled past. Each cart seems to get better and better and each dish becomes harder and harder to refuse!

Here are some pictures from our fabulous dim sum meal this past Saturday

I hope you enjoyed a small tour of my visit to Las Vegas to scout out workshop locations.

Next installment -- our hotel for the Year of the Ox Workshop next January 24 and 25th, 2009.

Stay tuned!